Here at Grian we are thrilled to be attending the DSEI event in London from the 14th to the 17th of September. We will be exhibiting our rapidly deployable military solar energy solutions. In this blog post we provide some insight into this fantastic event as well as providing information on our product offering for military operations which is particularly relevant to DSEI 2021. 



DSEI (Defence & Security Equipment International) connects governments, national armed forces, industry thought leaders and the entire defence & security supply chain on a global scale. Held in London this year as both a live event and a virtual event this biennial defence and security trade exhibition serves as a forum between governments, national armed forces, academics and industries.

With a range of valuable opportunities for networking, access to relevant content & live-action demonstrations, the DSEI can help us strengthen relationships, share knowledge and engage in the latest capabilities across the exhibition’s Aerospace, Land, Naval, Security & Joint Zones. By attending this event we are aiming to bring our unique, deployable energy solution to those who can see and understand the enormous benefits it holds for the military. The DSEI provides us with an unmissable experience to develop our business on an international scale.


Rapidly deployable solar energy for militaries


Grian’s main focus at DSEI 2021 will be to present our rapidly deployable solar energy solution and how it can hugely benefit militaries looking to lessen their reliance on conventional fossil fuel power generation.

We believe that solar energy is the number one solution for providing a reliable and sustainable power source to Military and Security Organisations with a requirement for remote site power generation. Our systems are particularly useful for those who operate in more volatile areas prone to power outages, natural disasters or civil unrest. Solar energy provides a clean, renewable, accessible source of energy for those organisations who rely on a dependable source of power. 

There are a large number of benefits to our solution for militaries.


For militaries based in the developing world there are numerous threats to energy supply including natural disasters, civil unrest and unreliable infrastructure. By using our solar energy solution, militaries can carry on with their vital tasks without the fear of blackouts.

Low maintenance

The low level of maintenance required for our solar energy solution means that less time is spent repairing or sourcing fuel for generators and instead time can be used to focus on the import tasks at hand.


When militaries rely on traditional diesel generators they often must deploy personnel to guard diesel supplies or to source diesel while costs over time are kept low. This use of time and resources is not required with solar energy and again allows militaries to focus on the important tasks they do. 


Our Solution

Grian is a rapidly deployable solar energy solution aimed at supporting any organisation or agency with a remote energy generation requirement. Developed to provide the energy solution for militaries, aid agencies, disaster relief, expeditions and remote populations, our solution can help provide rapid, renewable energy where it is needed most. The team who established Grian have an experienced military background having worked and lived-in war-torn areas for many years. An easily transported, timely solar energy solution such as Grian goes beyond other conventional energy systems to deliver sustainable energy as a complete solution.

To learn more about our solution and how it can provide the military’s energy needs, book an appointment with us here.